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How to choose the wording for a memorial
How to choose the wording for a memorial Your guide to inscriptions. Headings In Loving Memory OfLoving Memories OfLovingly RememberedIn Memory OfEntered Into RestIn Affectionate Memory OfTreasured Memories OfIn Cherished Memory OfPray ForOf Your Soul;Pray For The...
For quality workmanship and the best prices, you can trust our team of stonemasons at R Burrows Memorials. Choosing the right memorial is an important decision, which is why our team will take the time to walk you through your options and help you choose the very best design. So, whether you’re looking for a pet memorial, gravestone restoration, or a hand-made house sign, get in touch for a free colour brochure or call us for more information: 01743 272 729